Steve Westby
Chairman, chairs branch & committee meetings. Main point of contact for media enquiries. As Co-ordinator of the Nottingham Robin Hood Beer Festival, oversees the festival organisation generally and assists with the beer order.
Secretary and Branch Contact
Andrew C Ludlow
Looks after secretarial duties within the branch, producing meeting agendas, taking meeting minutes and producing reports. Mediates with CAMRA National Executive. Part of cellar team at the Nottingham Robin Hood Beer Festival.
Steve Armstrong
Looks after the branch’s accounts. Heads the finance team at the Nottingham Robin Hood Beer Festival and is part of the health & safety team.
Vice Chairman
Paul Davies
Chairs Branch and Committee meetings when the branch chairman is absent. Branch Brewery Liaison Officer Co-ordinator.
Membership Secretary
John Blankley
Looks after all things to do with branch membership. Assists with the Adopt a Pub scheme and helps out with the branch website.
Pubs Campaign Co-ordinator
Ray Kirby
Organises the Ale Trail & Strolls. Cellar team member. Helps with branch website.
- Email:
- Trails Email:
Data Co-ordinator
Nigel Johnson
Looks after the What Pub and GBG scores data bases. Helps with various activities at the Nottingham Robin Hood Beer & Cider Festival including the finance and cellar teams.
Young Members Co-ordinator
Dan Marsh
Co-ordinates young member activities and liaises with the universities real ale societies.
Social Secretary
Clive Allsop
Organises Branch social events, e.g. pub trips, brewery visits, and works with other branches in supporting trips to Nottingham. If you are interested in this role, please e-mail our Branch Secretary, details as above.
- Social Activity Email:
Cider/Perry Officer (Non-Committee Post)
Heather Stretton
Looks after all things to do with cider and perry. Organises the Cider & Perry bar at the Robin Hood Beer & Cider Festival.
Nottingham Drinker Editor (Non-Committee Post)
Danielle Jeffery
Editor of Nottingham Drinker magazine.
Web Co-ordinator (Non-Committee Post)
Glenn Breen
Provides support to website updates and development.
Protection Officer (Non-Committee Post)
Position currently vacant
Unfortunately due to the recent passing of Nick Molyneux, who was a tireless Branch campaigner, this position is currently vacant. If any member is interested, please contact our Branch Secretary, details as above.
Beer Festival Staffing Officer (Non-Committee Post)
Mick Courtney
Staffing officer for the Robin Hood Beer & Cider Festival.
- Email:
Joint Press & Publicity Officer (Non-Committee Post)
Andy Sales
Looks after all the branch press and publicity needs jointly with Tracey. Head of Beer Festival cellar team and joint beer orderer with Steve Westby.
- Publicity Email:
- Beer Orders Email :
Joint Press & Publicity Officer (Non-Committee Post)
Tracey Sales
Looks after all the branch press and publicity needs jointly with Andy. head of bar management at Robin Hood Beer & Cider Festival.
- Publicity Email:
- Bar Management Email:
Committee Member
Anthony Hewitt Pubs Officer
General support for pub and brewery activity and BLO for Lincoln Green
Discounts Officer (Non-Committee Post)
John Blankley
Maintains records of pubs that offer discounts to CAMRA members.
Political Liaison Officer (Non-Committee Post)
John Westlake
East Midlands Regional Director
Robert Hamnett-Day
- Email: