Buildings at Risk Registers
The County of Nottinghamshire and the City of Nottingham together have over 5,000 listed buildings, structures and monuments on Historic England’s “List”. The great majority are in good condition. However, there are a number of listed buildings that have fallen into disuse, dereliction and disrepair.
Grade II listed buildings i such a condition are referred to as “Buildings at Risk” (BaR).
Nottingham County Council and Nottingham City Council each mainatin separate registers of “Buildings at Risk”.
In the Nottingham CAMRA branch area, at the time of writing (7th May 2021) there was just one club / public houses or brewing-related listed buildings which are recorded as being “Buildings at Risk”.
About the Buildings at Risk Registers
These registers includes buildings that have been identified in condition surveys as being ‘at risk’ by using a set of national criteria devised by Historic England, which is the government’s advisory body on heritage in England.
The aim of these registers is to raise awareness of the problems relating to historic buildings at risk to the wider public. It also aims to prompt the owner, or members of the public, to take action to get these Buildings at Risk repaired and secure their long-term future.
Historic England developed its Heritage at Risk programme to prioritise resources and grants from the late 1990s. Historic England hold a register of Scheduled Monuments, Grade I and II* Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas, Registered Parks and Gardens, Registered Battlefields and Shipwrecks. The Heritage at Risk registers are update annually for each region.
For Grade II Listed Buildings (93% of all listed buildings) Local Authorities are responsible for assessing the condition of buildings and holding their own Building at Risk Registers.
In the Nottingham CAMRA branch area, at the time of writing (7th May 2021), there is just one pub / club in a Grade II listed building which is recorded as being a “Building at Risk” which we could find:
Site Name: Bonington House, 79, High Street, Arnold (NCC REF 7.5.12)
Parish: Gedling
Overall Condition: Poor
Risk Category: 3
Details: Eaves cornice has evidence of water damage and decay to left corner and centre on east elevation. Several timber casements have rotten cills. Walls need repointing in places. Centre of roof on east elevation has water ingress down wall face causing weathering to stone lintel and cill to second floor window along with damage to eaves detail. Roof has areas of missing tiles.
Nottinghamshire County Council Reference: 7.5.12
Nottingham CAMRA’s “Whatpub” Entry: https://whatpub.com/pubs/NOT/402/arnold-labour-club-arnold.
Links to our Branch Area Buildings at Risk Registers
For more information on Grade II listed Buildings at Risk in our area, please use the links below to take you to our two Buildings at Risk Registers:
Nottingham County Council Buildings at Risk Register – This register is now maintained on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council by the Nottinghamshire Building Preservation Trust. At the time of writing (7th May 2021) it is not yet complete and there are no obvious links between the BaR webpage on the Nottinghamshire County Council webite.
Regular Review & Update
Nottingham City Council’s website reports that:
- A 2013 survey showed 10% or 78 Grade II listed buildings in Nottingham were at risk.
- Between 2013 and 2021, 31 Grade II Listed Buildings were taken off the Building at Risk register. These are shown on the Council’s website.
- Forty-four entries still remain on the Buildings at Risk register which is 6% of the 757 Grade II Listed Buildings in Nottingham. Again these are shown on the webpage.
What Nottingham City Council’s webpage does not show is how many of the current 44 Buildings at Risk have become at risk since 2013 and which building these are. The numbers provided suggest this may be just 3 Grade II listed buildings, though again it is not possible determine the total movement in the period between 2013 and 2021.
If there was a total of 788 Grade II listed buildings in 2013 and there are 757 now 2021, what has happened to the missing 31 Grade II listed buildings?
Does this mean that the 31 Grade II listed buildings removed from the Buildings at Risk Register have done so by virtue of no longer being listed buildings – or have they been successfully turned around?